From Wood To Veneer. How To Process Hardwood At Cremona Vertical Slicer Machine. Best Slicing Knife!

Knife: Veneer slicing knife Specification:4450*235* Machine: Angelo Cremona Vertical Slicer For Hardwood Advantages: Smooth stainless surface, reduced cutting force, get constant veneer thickness, perfect wood structure, reasonable price, short delivery time. We provide knives to fit: Cremona, Capital, Babcock-BSH, Fezer, Fisher, Tai-Hei, Watarai, Marunaka and other machines, made of highest quality tools steels, at hardness 58-61 HRC and at customer’s request. Zeus AMT(Advanced Manufacturing and Technologies) is a leading manufacturer of cutting tools and other wearing parts used in woodworking industry/metal industry/plastics and recycling industries/textile industry/guideways and slide bars. Many-year experience, continuous improvement of the production process and strict obeying the technological regime allow meeting high quality requirements of our customers. We supply the cutting tools both to machines manufacturers and to end users. More about Zeus AMT@ Website:
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