NEWS ALERT | This Sunday, April 28, 2024, upon my return from Moscow, Russia to Orly airport at 1 p.m., I was the victim of an

NEWS ALERT | This Sunday, April 28, 2024, upon my return from Moscow, Russia to Orly airport at 1 p.m., I was the victim of an illegal and abusive arrest by the police. As I went to the border police counter to go through the gate, my passport was seized without valid reason. I then found myself confronted with a series of intrusive questions about my trip to Russia, which I refused to answer. The policeman at the counter said the following sentence to me: “Ah, are you the agent from Moscow?” I answer: “What do you mean?” The police claimed I was wanted, without providing further details, and tried to intimidate me into following them to the police station. Despite my repeated requests to know the reason for this arrest, I was molested and brutalized by several agents, under the pretext of an alleged identity check. I want to point out that this entire incident was filmed and recorded, and that my lawyer was on the line to testify about these abuses of power. After more than an hour ... Source: Egountchi Behanzin TV
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