Bach/Krebs: Little prelude & fugue in G minor • pedal harmonium

Another one from the Eight Little Preludes and Fugues, attributed to J.S. Bach (but most likely written by his pupil – Johann Tobas Krebs). It was the very first I played from this collection. Ca. 1920 Aeolus harmonium – my own. • Manual compass: C–f³ = 54 notes • Pedal compass: C–d¹ = 27 notes • Manuals divided on bass (C–b) and treble (c¹–f³) I. MANUAL BASS: Bourdon 16’ Principal 8’ Posaune 8’ Flöte 4’ Forte TREBLE: Clarinette 16’ Principal 8’ Trompete 8’ Flöte 4’ Forte II. MANUAL BASS: Salicional 8’ Aeoline 8’ Viola 4’ Forte TREBLE: Salicional 8’ Aeoline 8’ Viola 4’ Forte PEDAL Subbass 16’ Pedal 8’ Pedal Forte (EXTRAS) Oktavkoppel Manualkoppler Pedal Coppel Volles Werk (OVER THE PEDALBOARD) Forte
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