Due to the Laws of Biology, I do not think that it is possible for different species to interbreed. I do think that these fallen beings had actual intercourse with women but the production of offspring required medical DNA intervention which the Book of Jasher, written 3500 years ago, addresses.
Jasher 4:18 ...and the sons of men in those days took from the cattle of the earth, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air, and taught the mixture of animals of one species with the other, in order therewith to provoke the Lord; and God saw the whole earth and it was corrupt, for all earth h
...ad corrupted its flesh upon the earth, all men and all animals.
This was done by the Prince of Dumba$$es to try to thwart the Plan of God by altering the essence of mankind, made in God’s image.
The Flood destroyed the flesh and bodies of the Nephilim yet, their spirits abided as demons, seeking to inhabit human flesh. Canaan, Noah’s grandson, was appointed Africa as his inheritance. He rejected it and instead settled in the area of Tyre and Sidon, near Mt. Hermon. There, he found traces of documents instructing man how to summon these spirits. Thus, he reintroduced these hybrids into the world.
Moses and the Israelites, upon entering the Promised Land, sought to exterminates these giants and abomination. This pressure caused the remaining Raphaim and Nephilim to flee and to go to the Americas where evidence remains to this day despite attempts to destroy the evidence of their existence.
Jesus made it clear that in the last days, we will witness their reimergence. That is what we are seeing now.......
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