Growing grape tree from grape fruit for beginners

grape tree is a perennial shrub, characterized by spirals - tassels and elongated growth. It is a climbing plant and usually climbs on rocks or tree trunks. The tendrils grow on the stalks and are believed to be degenerated inflorescences. The leaves are large, symmetrical, heart-shaped, and the inflorescences grow diagonally across them. They can be lobed or lobular with 3-5 lobes and separate nerves. The shape, size and color of the leaves depend on the grape variety. Before planting grapes, fertilizing should be done, the specific dosage is to use Organic 1 or Nutrifert 4-3-4 organic fertilizer to the hole before planting. Apply a solution with 40 grams of fertilizer and 10 liters of water to evenly water the grapevine after a few months of being planted in the ground. After a few months, the trenching, irrigation and fertilization for grapes were carried out with about 50kg/ha. It should be noted that every time the fertilizer is spread, it is necessary to fill the trench with soil to flatten it.
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