New Sunday Poker Song feat Sonny Caine & DRybes

Follow @sonnycaine Like Follow @DRybes Check out his site MP3 download here: “new-sunday”-a-musical-collaboration-between-drybes-and-sonny-caine-for-the-first-anniversary-of-black-friday/ New Sunday Sonny Caine feat. DRybes My Sunday used to be my grindin’ day Until the DOJ took that away 30 inch screens of the memories They dont even remember me 24 tables with no delay But now all I see is Black Friday 4-15-11, one year later still reminiscing like, How’s it really happening, man? I was really doing it, man Grindin’ just to pay the rent That’s how my time was spent and I liked it Rocksteady how I bebop post-flop, exploit everyt’ing you’ve got Until they pulled the plug out Now I sit here and stress out and say DOJ, you took my Sundays away from me. It’s
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