Occupation routine: Israeli soldiers once again harass Da’na family at their Hebron home

On Saturday morning, 16 January 2021, seven soldiers entered the Da’na family home in the al-Harika neighborhood of Hebron. The soldiers brought a marble with them and claimed to be looking for a child who threw it at the settlement. The Da’na family has been suffering from repeated attacks by settlers and nocturnal raids by soldiers, during which they photographed the family’s children, claiming they had thrown stones. In past raids, soldiers arrested several of the family members. In a testimony she gave B’Tselem field researcher Manal al-Ja’bari, Mai Da’na (30) described the soldiers’ latest raid into her home: I saw seven soldiers jumping over the gate in our security cameras that we’d installed about a month ago to prepare for the military’s surprise raids. I immediately grabbed my camera and started filming what was happening through the window. A few seconds later, I saw soldiers at my doorstep. They were all armed and wearing masks. The soldiers asked me how old my kids were, a
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