The officers - WW2 officers song - Photo the soviet officers

The officers - the soviet officers - From the heroes of yore Sometimes no more names. Those who took mortal combat, It was just earth and grass. Only their formidable prowess Settled in the hearts of the living, This eternal flame, We settled on one, We store the chest. Look at my fighters, The whole world remembers them in the face. Here stood a battalion in line, Once again old friends know. Though they do not have twenty-five, The difficult path they had to go through. It is those who hostility It rose as one, Those who took Berlin. There is no family in Russia such Where it had not remembered was his hero, And the eyes of young soldiers With photos faded look. This view, if the High Court, For the guys that are now rising. The boy can not Never lie or cheat, With no way to roll.
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