Stuck In The Middle with who?! Michael Madsen Recreates ‘Reservoir Dogs’ Scene - Quarantine style

Special home video from one of our favorites ;) ------ A journey through the films of Quentin Tarantino, narrated by the collaborators who know him best. Watch QT8: The First Eight on Amazon now - QT8 ON SOCIAL Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: QT8: The First Eight is a cinematic journey through the iconic films and career highlights of Quentin Tarantino – the most influential and controversial filmmaker of the last 30 years – narrated by the actors and collaborators who know him best. Featuring Samuel L. Jackson, Christoph Waltz, Tim Roth, Lucy Liu, Zoë Bell, Jamie Foxx, Eli Roth, Michael Madsen, Kurt Russell, and more. Available on all platforms - #QT8 #QT8movie #QuentinTarantino #samuelljackson #zoëbell #brucedern #christophwaltz #eliroth #timroth #jamiefoxx #jenniferjasonleigh #michaelmadsen #kurtrussell #leonardodicaprio #lucyliu #dianekruger #robertforster #reservoirdogs #pulpfiction #jackiebrown #deathproof #killbill #inglouriousbasterds #djangounchained #thehatefuleight #onceuponatimeinhollywood
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