MOST INSIGHTFUL SPEECH by Alan Watts – Literally INSIGHTful (Shots of Wisdom 21)

Check out the entire Alan Watts Playlist: How could all the chaos and disharmony we perceive in the world ever make sense? The question as such contains the hidden clue to the answer: In order for anything to make sense at all, it must be first perceived and we judge things and events according to our perception of them. The issue here lies in the fact that perception is selection and that we basically perceive only a tiny part of the whole picture - at least within the scope of ordinary consciousness. Therefore, we are more often than not unable to make sense of many things we see and experience in the outer world. Alan Watts explores here the mechanisms of ordinary human perception and its unreliability as a tool for exploring reality. He explains how seeing through the seeming inharmony and chaos within the limited boundaries of our everyday perception, we always can detect harmony and perfection of a higher order. The mor
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