The Many Roars of Evangelion Unit 01

EVA Unit 01’s roars from the Japanese and English versions of NGE and Note 1: Megumi Hayashibara provided the roar and other sound effects for Unit 01 for the anime and likely for 1.0. The English version removes her voice as Unit 01 completely for Episode 2 (not replaced), Episode 16 (replaced by Godzilla like sound) and likely Episode 19 aswell. Note 2: The English roar for 1.0 is simply a deeper version of the Japanese roar with an added throaty effect. Awakening Sequence roar comparison from Episode 19 can be downloaded here: Cannot be uploaded to Youtube for legal reasons. Note 1: Music from Japanese section is curiously missing. Audio may also be slightly out of sync, owing to the fact the audio was downloaded in a sped-up state. Note 2: Once again, Megumi Hayashibara provides the roar for the Japanese version, but the English dub uses a completely different sound (not even the generic godzilla like sound from ). I
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