Ring Muscle Up Workout

Get your first Ring Muscle Up! When first trying to learn to muscle up the skill feels literally impossible. Fast forward a couple years of hard work, training and dedication and the muscle up turns into something you don’t even think about anymore. Movements that felt impossible at first become easy and second nature. You gain strength, muscle memory, coordination and especially technical understanding. I am a big believer in working with many progressions to minimize the chance of plateaus and to develop a well rounded physique and big amounts of body awareness but once the foundation is there you actually don’t need much to get your first muscle up on rings. Foundations: You are gonna need 3 things. You need to be able to do pull ups, you need to be able to do dips and you need to be able to hand in false grip. All of these are essential. If you miss 1 it is hard to imagine how you can possibly make decent progress towards the muscle up! For the actual training
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