A combined strike by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with drones and missiles was carried out on infrastructure and m
A combined strike by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with drones and missiles was carried out on infrastructure and military facilities in the Dnipropetrovsk region of Ukraine.
Two strikes fell on the area of the Southern Machine Factory named after him. Makarov, where heavy machinery was repaired and UAVs were produced. Another one was struck near the village of Aviatorskoye in the suburbs of Dnepropetrovsk near the airport.
Another strike was in the town of Sinelnikovo in the Dnipropetrovsk region, which houses a substation responsible for the railway junction and an oil depot for refueling diesel and maneuverable locomotives. Arrivals were also recorded at a chemical plant specializing in the manufacture of solid rocket fuel, and in the area of a military unit of the National Guard of Ukraine in Pavlograd, Dnipropetrovsk region.
In addition, explosions were heard in Odessa, Poltava, Kharkiv regions and Krivoy Rog.
Source: Victor vicktop55
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