Vladlarion | Renard - I Love My Internet Friends +DTHDHRFL SS| 100% | Osu!
Hello everybody!
SixDigitDiary is in touch, and today i’m continue to play FL maps. Today map: Renard - I Love My Internet Friends in easiest difficulty, BUT with all 4 mods (Hard Rock, Hidden mods, Double Time and Flash Lite). I played this map around 100 times, but i finally fc-ed it!
I hope you enjoy enjoy my video. And if you did - please subscribe, smash like button and write comment!
Player - Vladlarion (25645810)*
Map - Renard - Make Believe (62905)*
Skin - Minimal 1.2 (Liswiera Edit 3)
*YouTube doesn’t allow me to insert links, that’s why I have id/names for now. But as soon as I can, I’ll immediately insert the links.
p.s: if you wanted to use my replay - you can do it, but please LEAVE THE LINK IN THE DESCRIPTION!
#osu #sixDigitDiary #renard