On the Road with NDV: Drums, Cymbals & Sticks . . . Oh My! A Mr. Big Drum Rig Tour
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Listen to the 30th Anniversary Edition of Mr. Big’s iconic album, Lean into It
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Sweetwater’s Nick D’Virgilio was recently tapped by none other than the legendary Paul Gilbert to join Mr. Big on The Big Finish Tour, lending his percussive panache to the band as, on its first leg, it ignited stages throughout Japan, South Korea, Singapore, China, Taiwan, Thailand, the Philippines, and Indonesia. After getting up close and personal with the rest of the band’s rigs, the camera now points to NDV, giving you a detailed rundown of his drums, cymbals, and more, showing you what it takes to light up the stage with Mr. Big night after night. Check it out!
Want more videos from NDV’s time on the road with Mr. Big? Check out his rig tours with Paul Gilbert, Billy Sheehan, and front-of-house engineer Nishi 👉
After you watch, check out today for all your music instrument and pro audio needs! 👉
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#Sweetwater #NDV #MrBig #TheBigFinishTour #DW #Sabian #RigTour