Krishna Das Hanuman Chalisa

Krishna Das - Hallelujah Chalisa -- Jesus Jesus of Nazareth. Music by Krishna Das. The photos are taken from the movie, Jesus of Nazareth (1977). I want to clarify a bit as this has caused some confusion and angry comments. I copied the description from the video as posted. I thought that was the right thing to do when reposting someone else’s video. This does not mean that I agree or disagree with the description. I posted this as a gorgeous, spiritual song. I hope that it would bring others happiness to listen, as well. I love to open others to different cultures, spiritual views and ideas, in hopes that some might choose to learn more and expand their knowledge. I personally love to learn more about all types of spiritual views and beliefs. I think they are different paths leading to the same place. I don’t expect everyone to agree. I’m not trying to convert anyone to any particular belief system. I’m not trying to spark a competition. I hoped to learn even more by the comments. If you enjoy
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