(ENG) What Is The Word That Koreans Use The Most In COVID-19🤔❔ | IDOL KOREAN CLASS

These days, we can’t live our daily lives due to COVID-19😭😭.. What is the word that Koreans, including K-pop fans, use the most these days🤔❔ Hyperrealism video call fan signing event by BAE173 who know the fans well❕❗ ... Actually it’s the Puddingz teasing of Hangyul HYUNG🤪⁉️ But Hangyul gets through it. Of course. He’s a ✨PRO IDOL✨ (※ All conversations are 173% ad-lib without script.) Let’s meet at a face-to-face fan signing event after this situation!!🥺 ) Idol Korean Class students, stay healthy🙏 Lesson 10 : The word that Koreans use the most these days, 이 시국 [📕] Today’s word -M...eaning of 이 시국 (i-si-gug) : COVID pandemic -Meaning of 코시국 (co-si-gug) : COVID 시국 📢 Every Monday and Thursday at 6pm, BAE173’s very special Korean class will be revealed! BAE173 제이민 한결 유준 무진 준서 영서 도하 빛 도현 J-MIN HANGYUL YOOJUN MUZIN JUNSEO YOUNGSEO DOHA BIT DOHYON #BAE173 #제이민 #한결 #유준 #무진 #준서 #영서 #도하 #빛 #도현 한국 한국어 케이팝 아이돌 KOREAN KPOP K-POP 가나다라 GANADARA INFINITE 인피니트 KIMSUNGKYU 김성규 MONSTAX 몬스타엑스 KIHYUN 기현 아이엠 I.M 〰️ 🔎 Ge
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