Selected Originals Royal Tour - Nigeria Dances. (1956)
Selected Originals (offcuts, selected scenes, out-takes, rushes) for story “Royal Tour Nigeria dances“ 56/13
Identical footage to the original item without voice over or music. There are no titles
Kaduna and Enugu, Nigeria.
Kaduna: GV. Queen Elizabeth II watching dancers (title super over) GV. Queen and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh watching dancers. SV. Queen with two dignitaries. GV. Girl dancing. GV. Queen beside small hut watching Nigerian children, under instruction. SV. Queen watching. CU. Small boy squatting on the ground. . Women pounding in a stone jar. . Duke watching basket makers. Chief rises. GV. Queen with two dignitaries walking across ground. . Children waving flags. CU. Girl waving flag.
Enugu: GV. Royal party at tribal dancing, Enugu Stadium. . Men with feathers, dancing. LV. Fully-clothed women from Umana in Onitscha Province dancing. SV. Women dancing - showing spectators. CU. One woman dancing. SV. Native orchestra. LV. Fishermen from the Niger Delta da