DCS WORLD | Operation Desert Storm: F-15E Scud Killer ( 4k Movie ) by Hornet Productions

On 17th January 1991, the order for the first strikes in Iraq was given by President Bush…. Operation Desert Storm had begun. With great media attention focused on Baghdad, waves of multiple aircraft, including the F15E Strike Eagle, flew at low level to attack the “eyes” and “ears” of the Iraqi military machine. The Integral Air Defense System was the primary target. The original Soviet SS-1 variant of the Scud ballistic missiles was a political issue, with 6-800 ready to launch missiles, and very well trained crews based on attacks on Tehran during the Iran-Iraq War. The potential threat of 28 launching sites able to reach Israel, with Chemical or Biological Warheads, was a diplomatic nightmare concerning Israeli self defense policies. If Israel attacked the launchers, the participation of Saudi Arabia in the coalition could be endangered, and the whole scenario altered. Therefore, the Scud threat was to be neutralized at all costs” —— You can contribute to a futur
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