One Truth, One Law: I Am, I Create by Erin Werley - Full Audiobook

I Am God. You are God. We are all God. You’ve been lied to your entire life. It’s time to blow the roof off this illusion. Share this message and join me in my free masterclass, Awaken The God Within. CLICK HERE to sign up: Erin’s Books - At the forefront of spiritual awakening, One Truth, One Law is your roadmap to oneness, manifestation and the universe. The Big Metaphysical Questions: Who are we? Why are we here? How does the universe exist? How can we access the intuitive voice of God / source / the universe to step into our role as unlimited creators? Since the beginning of recorded history, humans have longed to find the answers to these most fundamental questions. One Truth, One Law has the answers channeled directly from God. Everything in our universe is defined by one truth. One truth is the difference between understanding everything or knowing nothing. It’s the differ
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