Final Fantasy 7/VII - Cloud Strife - Soldier (Fleurie) AMV

Final Fantasy 7/VII - Cloud Strife - Soldier (Fleurie) AMV Find me on: ★ Instagram: @Minggi_phix¹ @ ² *📎¹: *🖇²: ---------------- (SPOILERS:) everything is my opinion, and my feelings about the story lines, and why I put them where I put them. 1. scenes mixing between Cloud and Zack on the start. - I wanted to point at the actual thing that these two knew each other, Cloud doesn’t remember it well, or literally nothing about him, but still they are actually same. (as Cloud think he’s him) 2. Cloud talks with Aerith, she said he was the first guy I ever loved (something like that) -Aerith see Zack in Cloud a lot these times, asking about his class etc. They are mixed. If we have to talk about the game from 97 and the explained story line in crisis c
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