An anecdote about chocolate

Disclaimer: Russian humor, like humor in any culture, can vary widely and may not always translate well due to cultural and linguistic nuances. -- A joke about chocolate: Do not forget that the intake of chocolate to accelerate the brain is effective only when there is something to accelerate, otherwise you can remain dumb and oily. -- Description of the joke: This statement with humor emphasizes the importance of moderation in the consumption of chocolate and, probably, other sweet products. The phrase warns that taking chocolate to “accelerate the brain” can be effective only if you have something to accelerate, that is, if you already have active and healthy mental activity. Otherwise, by ridiculous logic, you can “remain dumb and fat.“ This is a funny way to emphasize the balance in care for your health and nutrition. Remember that humor is often culturally specific, and what might be funny to one person might not be to another. Also, it’s important to be sen
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