Обзор плеер SHMCI C1 для flac, dsd и т.д. In English, see the description below.

Я нашел себе замену COVON и очень пока рад. Минимализм, функционал и качество. Удобство. User manual is in Chinese only. In some versions without built-in memory! Excellent support for various formats. The built-in speaker is only for pre-listening and audiobooks in silence without headphones. The volume of playback of the DSD format is 2 times lower than in FLAC. High quality case. Convenient menus, scrolling. No frills like bluetooth or microphone. Autonomy up to 100 hours according to the seller. Type C connection. Memory expansion up to 128 gigabytes. Very heavy files are already in DSD128 - about 120 megabytes, 1 minute of playback. Playback from where you stopped and other conveniences. There is no electrical resistance information available for headphone selection.
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