Ace Attorney: Phoenix Wright OST Complete

01) 0:00 “Gyakuten Saiban - Prologue“ 02) 0:41 “Courtroom Lobby ~ Beginning Overture“ 03) 2:00 “Gyakuten Saiban - Trial“ 04) 3:51 “Questioning ~ Moderato 2001“ 05) 5:37 “Logic and Trick“ 06) 8:11 “Ryuichi Naruhodo ~ Objection! 2001“ 07) 9:25 “Questioning ~ Allegro 2001“ 08) 11:34 “Pressing Pursuit ~ Cornered“ 09) 13:12 “Telling the Truth 2001“ 10) 14:33 “Suspense“ 11) 16:07 “Pressing Pursuit ~ Cornered - Variation“ 12) 17:39 “Jingle ~ It Can’t End Here“ 13) 17:48 “Investigation ~ Opening 2001“ 14) 19:39 “Ma
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