Spongebob Memes

#Spongebob #Economy #Cartoons The average’s Bourgeoisie Goal is to acculumulate weatlh by squezing the ploretariat, by promising a platonic materialistic life that in today’s constant change it’s impossible, while the worlds burns itself by the explotaiton of it’s benefits, The Bourgeoisie’s objective it’s to penetrate the status QUO. In today’s ecnomic and sociopolitic era, the average citizen feels the need to impersonate the ideal individual that the market and it’s members has told us we should be. After the 1970’s, The Bourgeoise class has achieved worl domination, meaning that this is the first time in history, where the state doesn’t rule the world’s direction. Good or Bad, in this chaotic and unpresedented Epoch, the Average citizen needs to react to these forces that create uncontrollable waves of chaos, how can we balance the world again?
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