The Black Crowes - Wanting and Waiting (Official Video)
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“Wanting And Waiting” Produced by: Jay Joyce
Production Companies: Columinati Films & Ursidae Parade
Directed by: Chris Acosta & Chris Phelps
Executive Producer: Mark DiDia
Producers: Zebulon Griffin & Tim Oakley
Art Director: Ryan Scott Fitzgerald
Production Designer: Steve Phelps
Director of Photography: Mario Contini
1st AC: Ben Brady
2nd AC: Tamara Arroba
Steadicam Camera Operator: Brian Sergott
Gaffer: Michael Creasy
Key Grip: JQ Da Silva
Best Boy Electric: Kurt Myers
Best Boy Electric: Joel Reaves
Best Boy Grip: Johnathan Le
Grip: Ryan Swain
PM: Robyn Griffin
PC: Erin Mackey
Key PA: Ryan Denman
PA: Kevin Alcantar
PA: Dave Matoza
PA: Nat Dugdale
Colorist: Brian Krijgsman
Filmed at SV Studios, LA/CA
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