SAILOR SWEATER and NICE - increasing techniques and knitting with two colours

Index 0:05 Increases on the right side 1:11 Increases on the wrong side 2:29 Knitting with two colours on the right side 3:36 Knitting with two colours on the wrong side * Increases on the wrong side At this point, I made a small deviation from the technique written in the pattern. This is to provide an easy alternative to complete this step. ** Knitting with two colours When working with two colours, there is subtle difference in how the colours show up in the pattern, depending on how the strands are carried behind the work. One colour will stand out better than the other, known as the dominant colour. In my experience you need to test for yourself which colour looks best as the dominant. If you happen to switch the order of the strands, a small but visible unevenness will appear in the end result.
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