Star Wars Bounty Hunter - Chapter 4 - A Tense Partnership
Star Wars: Bounty Hunter - Playthrough
Chapter 4 - A Tense Partnership
Ten years before Attack of the Clones, the Sith Lord Darth Sidious orders his apprentice, Darth Tyranus, to eliminate his former pupil-turned-Dark Jedi and current leader of the Bando Gora crime syndicate, Komari Vosa, before she becomes a threat to his future plans. . Upon returning to his Toydarian friend Rozatta, Jango Fett is contracted by Tyranus with killing Vosa for 5,000,000 Republic credits.
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0:00:00 Jungle Treak
0:18:09 Sebolto’s Compound
0:39:13 The Death Stick Factory
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