Gotta say i disagree with the general sentiment most others have expressed so far. Maxwells update is pretty good First off his shadow servant is 100 percent better than the previous able to get so much more work done in a more efficient manner at a cheaper cost. a single shadow servant can also do all the jobs a single one could do in the past His shadow duelist is also much better - now able to be spammed consistently and once again at a much cheaper cost, this isnt too revolutionary as they are still fairly weak but they are much more practical to bring along in boss fights now. His magicians chest and magicians tophat is literally just what it sounds like, which is an ender chest His shadow prison is borderline overpowered able to lockdown most any creature in the game including bosses and lastly his shadow sneak which scares away mobs and turns some creatures into their nightmare variant. Im still hoping for a stronger version of a shadow minion that makes maxwell a more apt fighter but
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