Only Certain Covid Vaccine Lots Caused All The Deaths, This is Impossible, Exposes Criminal Intent

Statistically this doesn’t happen. It’s impossible for only a few lots of the Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 vaccine to produce all deaths and other adverse effects. What’s going on? This can only mean one thing. Someone at these big pharma companies knows what they are doing and they made sure that the “bad“ lots were distributed as widely as possible. Dr. Mike Yeadon on Covid Vaccine Lots @Corona-Investigative-Committee:5/Mike-Session-86-en:0 Intent To Kill & Tom Cowan on Covid Vaccine Lots & The Numbers Sign up for a membership at Subscribe to us on SubscribeStar: Subscribe to us on BitChute: Follow us on Odysee: @redicetv Follow us on Gab: Join our Telegram Find all our links at Campsite:
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