Ludovico Einaudi - Divenire piano cover

Finally re-recorded this with the new microphone. The new camera angle is because the old one was horrible to set up and take down, as it used a cymbal stand standing on my desk with a long pole attached to the top, and the webcam on the end. I do prefer the old angle, but I’m happy with this. It’s a lot easier to set up, and I don’t have to get the position perfectly right. I’ve decided to be a lot less of a perfectionist over these now, not that there are going to be many more. (Which I’ll explain in a moment.) I find them really quite stressful to record as I make thousands of mistakes that I’ve never made before as soon as the camera is running. There are lots of cuts in this video, and plenty of mistakes I decided to leave in. But hey, I’m still happy with the result and it’s a whole lot better than my original recording of this. So, the reason why there won’t be many more. On the 6th of September I’ll be leaving home, moving into a flat in the mi
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