Shrewsbury Show (1949)

Thought to be Selected Originals from late 1940s material. Shrewsbury, Shropshire. LV GV Elevated back view Royal cars driving through crowds. MV Pan Princess Elizabeth (later Queen Elizabeth II) and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh driving in car. SV Crowd MV Elizabeth being greeted by Lord Digby and Tom Williams, Minister of Agriculture at Royal Agricultural Show. SV Elizabeth and Philip shaking hands. LV Elevated Elizabeth walking through crowd. She stops to watch man whittling. SV Elizabeth and others watching man whittling, pan down to man whittling. SV Elizabeth talking to boat builder pan down to boat. CU Philip and Elizabeth talking to boat builder. LV Crowd. SV Elizabeth walking by sheep pens. CU Sheep in pens. MV Elizabeth with Tom Williams leaning over pen stroking sheep. MV Towards horses being paraded. MV Back view personalities in Royal Box. Horses being paraded in background. SV Personalities in Royal Box. MV Pan white pony being trotted past. MV Ditto, black pony. MV Foal and hor
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