Zensufi is the way of the Contemplation of the Wisdom.
It is the junction of two words: Zen and Sufi.
The word Zen(禪) is the abbreviated form of Zenna or Zenno, which is the Japanese transliteration of the Chinese word Ch’anna that comes from the Sanskrit “dhyana“ which means quiet contemplation.
The word Sufi (صُوفِيّ) is derived from the same root as the Greek word Sophia (σοφία), which means Wisdom, and the Persian word Safaí, meaning purity. Its modern meaning implies a Pure Wisdom, or the Essence of Truth, which is the basis of all the religions.
Originally, the term Zensufi was used by Frank Herbert in his science fiction novels Duna, and it was about a fusion of Zen Buddhism with the Sufi Islamic in the distant future.
Some fans of the Dune Saga sought to formulate a Zensufi path basing on the writings of Frank Herbert, or even in their own concepts about Zensufi.
However, our objective Zensufi is to make ample use of parables, allegories and metaphors of the Masters as a search for the Truth, in order to attain Enlightenment.
The Zensufi considers that the Contemplation of Wisdom is the fastest path to attain enlightenment: see things as they are, without veils, unadorned.
I don’t think it’s necessary create a new religion with new revelations and concepts that will bring salvation to mankind.
I believe the Path is always present in all that we do, and that the Truth is one, however, as well as the pyramid, it can be seen from many different angles.
I believe that the future religion will be based on Wisdom. The Wisdom-Religion.
May your journey lead you to the Light!
Bi-lal Kaifa (بلا كيف)!
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