GOTO 2021 • Hybrid Intelligence: First Rate Humans, Not Second Class Robots • Jacob Sherson

This presentation was recorded at GOTOpia February 2021. #GOTOcon #GOTOpia Jacob Sherson - Founding Director of Center for Hybrid Intelligence and , Prof. MSO dep. of Management, Physics and Cognitive Science at Aarhus University ABSTRACT In light of the recent deep learning driven success of AI in both corporate and social life there has been a growing fear of human displacement and a related call to develop IA (intelligence augmentation) rather than pure AI. In reality, most current AI applications have a significant human-in-the-loop (HITL) component and is therefore arguably more IA tha...n AI already. From here, there are currently two trends in the field. In one, increasing machine autonomy is pursued, first by placing the human-on-the-loop (to verify the result of the machine computation) and then by hoping to take the human completely out of the loop (as in the pursuit of artificial general intelligence). Two main challenges of this approach are a) the value-alignment
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