Bach Partita C Minor BWV 826 on Bosendorfer Imperial 290

15 Inventions, Chaconne, Partita No2, Toccata e minor and other works are now available on disc Valentina plays =sr_1_1?keywords=lisitsa bach&qid=1582405382&sr=8-1 Recorded in 2017. Schaubuhne Lindenfelz Leipzig Hall. Boesendorfer 280VC Ok , I have been getting too many questions lately asking if I ever play any Bach . Here is my small token of proof :-) Do I pass ??? LOL I really wish to play more Bach ( making recording is the whole different story , I will wait few more years before doing that ) and when all the anniversaries shall pass ( 2012? I guess) and no presenter will DEMAND to have all Chopin or all Liszt -- then I will get back to staples :-) This a surveillance tape ( hey, don’t laugh -- I am serious, the concert is in a church and the video is taken off closed circuit TV , not exactly HD image and some really rough transitions
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