Yefim Yefimovich Volkov (Russian: Ефим Ефимович Волков; 4 April 1844, Saint Petersburg — 17 February 1920, Saint Petersburg) was a Russian landscape painter.
His father was a feldsher and his family was poor. He was briefly employed by the Ministry of Justice. In 1866, he began to take drawing lessons at the “Imperial Society for the Encouragement of the Arts“. He later studied at the Imperial Academy of Fine Arts and honed his skills by doing sketches from nature. In 1870, he received the title of “Free Artist“ in recognition of his painting “View of Saint Petersburg and Vicinity“.
In 1878, he joined the “Association of Travelling Art Exhibitions“ (Peredvizhniki) and presented annual displays of his work under their aegis. The death of his daughter in 1884 caused him several years of grief but, in 1888, he was finally able to make an extensive tour of Greece, Turkey, Egypt and Palestine with his wife, where he painted landscapes with sea views. Later, they toured the Volga region.
He became a full member of the Academy in 1895 and was named an Academician four years later. After the events of Bloody Sunday, the Peredvizhniki came under police scrutiny, interest in their work began to decline and Volkov’s career never recovered. He died in “genteel poverty“ at his home on Vasilievsky Island.
葉菲姆·葉菲莫維奇·沃爾科夫(俄語:ЕфимЕфимовичВолков; 1844年4月4日,聖彼得堡 - 1920年2月17,聖彼得堡)是俄羅斯風景畫家。
他的父親是一個feldsher和家境貧寒。他簡要地由司法部使用。在1866年,他開始採取借鑒在“帝國學會藝術的鼓勵。”後來,他就讀於美術翰林院和大自然做草圖磨練自己的技能。 1870年,他以表彰他的畫“聖彼得堡和鄰近的意見”獲得“自由藝術家”稱號。
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