This Hand Carved Face Of Jesus Is My New Raffle. Please Have A Look

Go here to buy a ticket- * I have loved this Armenian handmade wooden face of Jesus sculpture since I purchased it in Yerevan in 2009 when I was there to show my documentary feature film “Sputnik Mania”, representing the United States Government and our State Department. I am a lifelong collector. There is a time for collecting and a time for letting go and for me, this time is the time where I am letting go of some of my favorite handmade one-of-a-kind things, very often made by amateurs (my favorite). For $2 and a few moments of your time to sign up, you can join my raffle and possibly win this haunting, magnificent sculpture of Jesus’s face. Christianity has been an integral part of Armenian identity since Armenia became the first nation to officially adopt Christianity as its state religion in AD 301. Over the centuries, religious artwork, including wooden carved icons, has played a significant role in the expression of the Armenian faith. Much like in other ancient Christian traditions, representations of Jesus like this carved wooden icon are revered and venerated. They serve as a focus for prayer and meditation, reminding believers of Jesus’s divine nature and his sacrifice for humanity. Armenians are known for their rich artistic heritage. Wood carving is one of the traditional Armenian arts, and religious themes have been popular subjects for centuries. An intricately carved wooden icon of Jesus’s face would reflect both the deep spirituality and the artistic craftsmanship of the Armenian people. Throughout their history Armenians have faced numerous challenges, including invasions, migrations, and the Armenian Genocide of 1915. Through all these hardships, the Christian faith has been a source of strength and unity. A wooden icon stands as a testament to the resilience of the Armenian faith and identity against the odds. The image of Jesus’s face, especially when depicted suffering, encapsulates a central Christian tenet. It serves as a visual theology, reflecting beliefs about Jesus’s divinity, his human experiences, and the salvation he offers to icons in Armenian culture are seen as holding protective properties. Placed in homes they provide spiritual protection and blessings. Christianity is tightly woven into the fabric of Armenian identity. Religious icons of Jesus serve not only as spiritual symbols but also as markers of cultural and national pride. They represent a shared heritage and collective memory. Go here to buy a ticket
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