Cantigas de Santa Maria by Egoriy Veshniy (Medieval music)

Meet medieval music from the XIII century, Cantigas de Santa Maria. Cantiga 248 Sen muito ben que nos faze and Cantiga 384 A que por mui gran fremosura These musical cantigas were written in honor of the Virgin Mary and date back to the reign of Alfonso X of Castile El Sabio. There are 420 such poems in total written in the medieval Galician-Portuguese language. How I love medieval music... Of course, not all the instruments I play here belong to the Middle Ages, but this is my version of these wonderful melodies. Here you will hear Viola Da Gamba, Irish whistle, recorder, frame drum, darbuka, bouzouki, Hummelchen bagpipes, and other percussion. If you like this track - please leave a comment and subscribe to my channel. This will give me motivation to keep making new music and videos. 00:00 Cantiga 248 Sen muito ben que nos faze 01:32 Cantiga 384 A que por mui gran fremosura
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