Shedding Light on Hezbollah’s Participation in the “Al-Aqsa Flood“ Battle

Shedding Light on Hezbollah’s Participation in the “Al-Aqsa Flood“ Battle The people of South Lebanon daily mourn the martyrs of the Islamic resistance who sacrificed their lives on the path to Al-Quds. This mourning often takes place in border villages and near Zionist sites, conveying a message of resilience and challenge. The region of South Lebanon, often overlooked by the media, has been a target since October 8, with Hezbollah striking Zionist military sites daily in support of the Palestinian people and their resistance. Despite facing daily Zionist bombardment, the plight of South Lebanon remains largely unnoticed by the media. The people of the South respond to aggression and crimes with determination, chanting “Death to America, Death to Israel.“ They state that their actions are in the path of Allah, representing a part of their religious culture. The families of the martyrs, including those who have sacrificed two or three fighters or civilians from the same family, emphasize their commitment to resistance and express support for Palestine, indicating their willingness to offer more of their children as martyrs on this holy path. Stepping back, we find that this culture is not a product of today. The revolution and the people’s awareness are not driven by a sudden outburst of anger or enthusiasm but rather by accumulated awareness and a deep understanding of events. This has roots in both religious and political aspects. I won’t delve into the religious aspect as discussing it is beyond the scope here. However, we can summarize by saying that we are the children of the Karbala school, where clarification, revolution, and sacrifice for the sake of truth are considered among the greatest lessons in history. Thanks to these teachings, Hezbollah, since its inception, took a stand with the truth, knowing that avoiding siding with the truth would exempt it from bearing many costs. Hezbollah thought strategically, with a precise goal of defeating Israel as a colonialist tool in the region and killing any hope among its people. From this goal, the path was clear: support Palestine at any cost. Hezbollah stood with Syria against the American-European-Arab aggression that aimed to destroy it for what Syria represents as an independent state with its own decision and economy, and its role on the front against imperialism, supporting Palestine (providing Gaza with rockets and ATGMs). It stood with Yemen when no one dared to condemn the American aggression carried out by Saudi and Emirati forces, fearing the formation of a significant force in the region capable of influencing and resisting American projects to subjugate the area. Источник: Resistance Channel (Ali)
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