Iran SHOCKS Israel & The US With 2 Hypersonic Weapons

Iran SHOCKS Israel & The US With 2 Hypersonic Weapons #israelpalestineconflict #israel #iranmilitiary The United States is stepping up its efforts to develop and buy hypersonic missiles after slipping behind main foreign enemies China and Russia in the race to field a potentially game-changing defence system. Welcome everyone, in today’s video; we’re going to tell you Hypersonic weapons of US which shocked the entire Iran The United States is attempting to acquire at least 24 hypersonic missiles in the near future, according to the Pentagon’s fiscal year 2024 budget plan announced Monday. Earlier this month, the Biden administration used the Defense Production Act to strengthen the defence industrial base and “meet the hypersonic warfighting objective.“ But before we proceed the further video, if you’re new to this channel, remember (go ahead and) to hit the bell icon to subscribe, so you won’t miss the informative videos we will upload in the future Iran SHOCKS Israel & The US With 2 Hypersonic Weapons While hypersonic weapons have been well-developed and prototyped, the Defense Department has yet to field them, and there are ongoing challenges in the industrial production base and testing infrastructure. According to George Nacouzi, a senior engineer at the RAND Corporation, the United States is now at a critical juncture, with the transition to initial production imminent. “One of the things that’s limiting us [now] is how quickly we can develop and test them,“ Nacouzi explained. “But those are going to be increasing, and they are increasing, so I expect to see a greater number of these deployed in the future.“ However, the pursuit comes with deep risks, according to critics, who contend the US has not crafted a strategy for the use of the highly expensive weapons, which may raise the risk of nuclear conflict because they are difficult to detect or take down. Shannon Bugos, a senior policy analyst with the Arms Control Association, stated that after a major nuclear treaty between the United States and Russia was suspended last month, any new negotiations must include hypersonic weapons. “A lot of these questions about mission set numbers are coming out a lot later, a lot further down the development and production line than I think is useful — because then we’re just building these systems without any clear guidance on what they’re going to be used for,“ Bugos said. Most ballistic missiles fly at hypersonic speeds (defined as Mach 5, or five times the speed of sound), but true hypersonic are manoeuvrable and can travel entirely within the Earth’s atmosphere to reach their velocity. According to the Congressional Budget Office, the Defense Department has spent $8 billion on the development of hypersonic weapons systems since 2019, and it wants an additional $13 billion for development and $2 billion for procurement. Last week, several Pentagon and military officials spoke to the House Armed Services Committee about ambitious plans to accelerate development. They argued that the weapons would serve as a deterrent to foreign rivals and eventually become an important component of the military arsenal. Rep. Seth Moulton (D-Mass.) emerged as a sceptical counterpoint at the hearing, questioning defence officials about developing the weapons solely because U.S. adversaries have them. “Our adversaries are developing numerous weapons that we are not,“ Moulton said. “What matters is how we use them, not pursuing what our adversaries have simply because they have it.“
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