Organist Jonathan Scott performs his solo organ arrangement of Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy by Tchaikovsky (from the Nutcracker Suite) on the Pipe Organ of Hull City Hall. The score of this arrangement is available here:
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1951 Rebuilt COMPTON ORGAN Co. Ltd
1991 Cleaning and Overhaul RUSHWORTH & DREAPER
Gravissima 64
Double Open Wood 32
Major Bass 16
Open Wood 16
Open Diapason 16
Violone 16
Subbass 16
Echo Bourdon 16
Gamba 16
Quint 10 2/3
Major Octave 8
Octave Wood 8
Principal 8
Octave Violone 8
Flute 8
Echo Flute 8
Violin 4
Superoctave 4
Fifteenth 4
Flute 4
Harmonics of 32’ V
Mixture III
Contra Trombone 32
Bombarde 16
Trombone 16
Tuba 16
Posaune 16
Bassoon 16
Krumhorn 16
Bombarde 8
Trumpet 8
Posaune 8
Posaune 4
Bass Drum Tap
Bass Drum Roll
Snare Drum
I - CHOIR (Enclosed)
Melodic Diapason 8
Hohl Flute 8
Lieblich Gedeckt 8
Unda Maris 8 TC
Dulciana 8
Vox Angelica 8 TC
Viol d’Orchestre 8
Principal 4
Flauto Traverso 4
Nazard 2 2/3
Piccolo 2
Bass Clarinet 16
Corno di Bassetto 8
Cor Anglais 8
Trompette 8
Célesta 4 49 Mustel Bars
Vibraphone 4 on Célesta
Snare Drum
Choir octave
Choir suboctave
Choir unison off
I - POSITIF (Unenclosed - Compton)
Quintaton 16
Geigen 8
Doppel Flute 8
Gemshorn 4
Doppel Flute 4
Nazard 2 2/3
Fugara 2
Harmonic Piccolo 2
Tierce 1 3/5
Mixture IV
Double Open Diapason 16
Bourdon 16
First Open Diapason 8
Second Open Diapason 8
Third Open Diapason 8
Claribel Flute 8
Stopped Diapason 8
Dolce 8
Quint 5 1/3
Principal 4
Octave 4
Harmonic Flute 4
Twelfth 2 2/3
Fifteenth 2
Superoctave 2
Mixture III
Mixture IV
Cymbal III
Contra Posaune 16
Tromba 8
Posaune 8
Clarion 4
III - SWELL (Enclosed)
Lieblich Bourdon 16
Contra Gamba 16
Open Diapason 8
Geigen Principal 8
Rohr Flute 8
Salicional 8
Viol d’Orchestre 8
Violes Célestes II 8
Waldflöte 4 wood
Octave Geigen 4
Fifteenth 2
Nineteenth 1 1/3
Flageolet 1
Sesquialtera II
Mixture III
Bassoon 16
Horn 8
Oboe 8
Musette 8
Vox Humana 8
Tremulant 1
Double Trumpet 16
Trumpet 8
Clarion 4
Tremulant 2 (To heavy pressure soundboard)
Swell octave
Swell suboctave
Swell unison off
IV SOLO (Enclosed)
Contra Tibia 16
Tibia 8
Violoncello 8
Viol d’Orchestre 8
Violons Célestes II 8
Octave Tibia 4
Zauberflöte 4
Viola 4
Tibia Twelfth 2 2/3
Ocarina 2
Larigot 1 1/3
Krumhorn 16
Orchestral Oboe 8
Orchestral Clarinet 8
Contra Tuba 16
Contra Posaune 16
Tuba 8
Bombarde 8
Tromba 8
Orchestral Trumpet 8
Tuba Clarion 4
Octave Tromba 4
Xylophone 4 Reiterating
Glockenspiel 4
Orchestral Bells 4 Reiterating
Chimes 4 Tubular Bells
Solo Sustainer
Solo Octave
Solo Sub Octave
Solo Unison Off
Swell to Pedal, Swell to Great, Swell to Choir
Choir to Great, Choir to Pedal, Great to Pedal
Solo to Choir, Solo to Great, Solo to Swell
Great to Solo, Solo to Pedal, Solo Octave to Pedal
12 double-touch thumb pistons to Choir & Positif
10 double-touch thumb pistons each to Great and Swell
8 double-touch thumb pistons to Solo
10 Toe Pistons to Pedal
8 General pistons
10 double touch toe pistons each to Great and Swell
Thumb Pistons for solo to ped, sw to ped, gt to ped, ch to ped
Toe piston for solo sustainer
4 double-touch thumb pistons to pedal couplers
Reversible thumb pistons for gt to ped, sw to gt, sw to ch, solo to gt, Dbl Open Diap 32,
and Contra Trombone 32;
Reversible toe pistons for gt to pd, Double Open Diap 32, Contra Trombone 32;
3 balanced swell pedals with indicators
General Cancel Piston
Rocking tablets for “Pedal Silent“ & “Doubles Off“
Balanced Crescendo Pedal (to Gt, Sw & Ped) with indicator;
32 channel Solid State piston setter;
1 view
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