Rust for Python Developers

What programming language are you choosing for a new project? This talk wants to explore why we choose a programming language over another one. We will look at the languages Python and Rust to understand their strengths and weaknesses. Rust is a fairly new language and offers distinct advantages over most other programming languages when it comes to performance and security. There are however clear drawbacks. We will look at side by side comparisons of code and learn how much harder it is to write a lot of simple things in Rust. Dave has been programming Python/JavaScript/TypeScript/Go at for the last seven years. He has created an Open Source autocompletion library called Jedi (420m downloads) that is available in most editors as well as IPython. To improve the performance in Jedi, Dave has spent the last two years rewriting Jedi in Rust. PUBLICATION PERMISSIONS: Original video was published with the Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed). Link:
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