Haydn - The Creation / Die Schöpfung (with Annette Dasch & Thomas Quasthoff)
From the Haydn Hall at Esterházy Palace in Eisenstadt, Austria
On the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the death of Joseph Haydn in 2009
With English subtitles
Compare with the performance by soloist Matthew Rose, Lucy Crowe, Lisa Milne and the Netherlands Radio Chamber Philharmonic under the baton of John Nelson:
Austro-Hungarian Haydn Philharmonic Orchestra
Wiener Kammerchor
Michael Grohotolsky - chorus master
Adam Fischer - conductor
Annette Dasch - soprano
Christoph Strehl - tenor
Thomas Quasthoff - bass-baritone
Joseph Haydn - The Creation
0:00 Die Schöpfung, Oratorium, Hob. XXI: 2)
1:57 Part I: The First Day
13:54 Part I: The Second Day
17:56 Part I: The Third Day
29:42 Part I: The Fourth Day
37:02 Part II: The Fifth Day
53:58 Part II: The Sixth Day
1:14:57 Part III