United States Air Sea Rescue (1956)

Manston, Kent. English Channel and M/S American airman floats in sea in life raft. He’s talking on a radio transmitter to the base of the 6th Air Rescue Squadron. M/S some of the servicemen throwing a ball to each other with planes in the background. A couple of them play chess on the ground. They have been nicknamed “the body snatchers“ after their success in rescuing people from British waters. Interior of radio tower servicemen in contact (one of them is black ) on radio. Shot of loudspeaker and cut to men running to their plane to rescue someone. Shots of an amphibious plane more commonly called an albatross. Shots of it taxiing and then taking off, cut to radio tower with 3 men wearing headphones. Good aerial shots of Manston, near Ramsgate with part of the aeroplane wing in shot. Interior of cockpit with pilot Captain Jack McLain (he’s smoking a cigarette) at the controls. They spot the man in the life raft. Shots of the albatross in the water and man (who is a British serviceman) is res
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