Palestine 1946 (1946)

Palestine / Israel. Several shots of the people walking along streets, passing street signs in western alphabet and Hebrew. Long shot of the airfield in Jerusalem. Plane landing. Planes at airfield, several shots of procession of army jeeps and cars driving away. RAF (Royal Air Force) personnel leaving the plane. General Sir Evelyn Barker leaving the plane and is greeted by several other officers. LS. General Dempsey and Sir Alan Cunningham, both hatless, coming out of the doorway of Government House. CU General Dempsey and Sir Alan Cunningham walking along grounds of the Government House. Several panoramic shots of Jerusalem. Various shots of the British soldiers clearing the rubble, looks like bomb explosion site. Several shots of the surroundings, many destroyed old stone houses seen. More shots of the soldiers clearing the rubble. Crowd of civilians seen near by. Soldiers finding ripped clothes etc. Site is encircled by barbed wire, guards standing beside, civilians looking over the wire. More s
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