Amazing Hidden Animations!

brusspup t-shirts! Like me on Facebook: The illusion of movement with a record player. Watch as hidden animations come alive by using a specific frame rate and shutter speeds of a camera and RPM of a record player. To me this is one of the ultimate illusions. Definition of Illusion: something that deceives by producing a false or misleading impression of reality. I used a Numark turntable set to 45 RPM and the camera was set to 24 FPS. The shutter speed was set to around 840. With that combination of settings a 30 frame animation would appear to stand still. I used the slider to increase / descrease rpms which caused the images to move foward or backward. The sequence of the guy jumping on the blocks was the most difficult but turned out the best, in my opinion. The images of the guy jumping is me. I recorded myself jumping in the living room then took 30 fram
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