We meet. Poet of Russia. Olga Levadnaya. Встречаем поэта Olga Levadnaya из России, Р.Татарстан.

Olga Levadnaya, Russia Russian poet of the Republic of Tatarstan, Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan (2008), laureate of the Republican Prize of the Republic of Tatarstan named after (2007), the literary prize of the Republic of Tatarstan named after S. Suleimanova (2015), applicant for the literary prize “International Peace Prize “(2020), member of the Writers’ Union of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Union of Russian Writers, the International Union of Writers, Ambassador of Peace (2021), Founder of the Kazan Poetic Theater“ Dialogue “and the All-Russian Music and Poetry Festival“ Handshake of the Republics “(2016). The author of the books: “Waiting for the snow, I live“ (1992), “Pass the vicious circle“ (1998), “In free fall upward“ (2003), “Close to our past“ (2003), “Climbing the stairs of meditation“ (2005 ), “Memories grow from the cry of birds” (2005), “Stargate” (2010), “Wind of the
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