Maharishi & Me: Seeking Enlightenment with the Beatles’ Guru is a compelling, intensely emotional memoir. Both inspirational and disturbing, it describes Susan Shumsky’s 22 years in the ashrams and 6 years on the personal staff of the most famous guru of the 20th century, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
This book draws back the curtain on Shumsky’s devastating, shattering seesaws of extreme heaven and hell she experienced under her guru’s influence. It also reveals secrets and dispels myths about his relationships with superstars who followed him (the Beatles, Deepak Chopra, Mia Farrow, Beach Boys, and many more).
Shumsky’s candid, honest portrayal discloses what it’s really like to be a disciple of an Indian guru. This book is haunting and will continue to challenge you long after you turn its last page. It dismantles all your beliefs about enlightenment, the spiritual path, and how spiritual masters are supposed to behave. Over 100 photos enhance the journey.
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