Benjamin Britten “A Ceremony of Carols op. 28“ little Babe by Robert Southwell

Kinder Choir “Mandragora“ Concert Hall of the House-Museum of Tchaikovsky in Klin city. Anniversary concert. . Детский хор “Мандрагора“. Юбилейный концерт. 15 лет. Концертный зал Дома-музея П.И.Чайковского в г. Клину. Benjamin Britten “A Ceremony of Carols op. 28“ 6. This little Babe by Robert Southwell. Lyrics: “This little Baby so few days old, Is come to rifle Satan’s fold; All hell doth at his presence quake, hough he himself for cold do shake; For in this weak unarmed wise The gates of hell he will surprise. With tears he fights and wins the field, His naked breast stands for a shield; His battring shot are babish cries, His arrows looks of weeping eyes, His martial ensings Cold and Need; And feeble Flesh his warior’s steed. His camp is pitched in a stall, His bulwark but a broken wall; The crib his trench, haystalks his stakes; Of shepherds he his muster makes; And thus, as sure his foe to wound, The angels’ trumps alarum sou
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