Data Viz - Matplotlib for Data Science and Machine Learning (Part 2)

Matplotlib is a comprehensive library for creating static, animated, and interactive visualizations in Python. Topics we discussed so far ------------------------------------------ What are the base colours ? How to change marker face colour in matplotlib ? what is the limit for location of the label in legend ? Difference between bar graphs and histograms ? Can we change background colour of graph? How to plot multiple histograms side by side with in the graph ? How to plot multiple histograms side by side ? Can we have pie charts in Matplotlib ? How to change edge colour of bar graph ? What is alpha in matplotlib ? Is Horizontal bar graph accepts width attribute ? How to plot multiple bar graphs side by side with in the graph ? How we can use xticks on plot ? What is is default value of bins in histogram? what is Pandas column dtype ‘O’ ? How we need to use scater plots ? What are default colours for Pie Chart ? Can we specify the explodes value is same as classification values ? official we
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